Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions

Privacy Policy

1.) Collecting Your Personal Information

1.1 Whitefig Pty Ltd ATF Whitefig Trust ABN 13232334516 (“the Company”) trading as Total Hearing & Health  is committed to protecting your privacy.

1.2 The Company only collects personal information if it is necessary for the Company to provide you

with the Company’s services or for the Company to enhance its relationship with you.

2.) Collecting Your Personal Information from the Company’s Website

2.1 The kind of personal information the Company will collect and hold will depend upon your use of the Company’s website ( (“the Website”). Your use of the facilities and services available through the Website will determine the amount and type of information which the Company collects about you.

2.2 Usually, the Company will only collect information such as your name, telephone numbers, address, job title and email address. However, certain circumstances may also require the Company to collect sensitive information (as defined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth)) about you such as membership to professional or trade associations. We only collect and use sensitive information with your consent and for the sole purpose of providing you with our services or enhancing our relationship without disclosure to others.

2.3  Some information collected will not be personal information because it will not reveal your identity.

For example, when you visit the Website, the server may attach a small date file known as a “cookie” to your hard drive. Cookies are pieces of information that may be transferred to your computer’s hard disc when you visit the Website for record keeping purposes and to contain information about your preferences for the Website so as to customise your view for your next visit to the Website. Most Web browsers are set to accept cookies. However, if you do not wish to receive any cookies you may set your Web browser to notify you if a cookie has been received to allow you to refuse or reject the cookie.

2.4 The Company uses cookies to provide the Company with aggregate (anonymous) information on how people use the Website and to help the Company to know what users of the Website find interesting and useful on the Website. The Company does not link this information back to other information that you have provided to the Company. The Company does not store any information inside cookies.

2.5 As most websites do when using cookies, the Company tracks usage patterns on the Website on an anonymous and aggregate basis. Your identity cannot reasonably be ascertained from this information. Each time you visit the Website, a web server makes a record of your visit. Specifically, it records:

(a) your Internet Provider (IP address);

(b) the date, time and duration of your visit to the Website; and

(c) the pages accessed and the documents downloaded on the Website.

3.) How the Company Uses and Discloses Your Personal Information

3.1 The Company is committed to protecting your privacy. Any personal information which the Company collects about you will be used by the Company to provide the Company’s services and to improve the Website. In addition, the Company may use such information to provide you with further information in the future about the Company’s services. In order to do this, the Company may disclose your personal information to external service providers or agents for the purposes stated above.

3.2 The Company will never share your information with a third party or allow it to send you direct communications about its products or services without your prior consent. The Company will not disclose your personal information unless:-

(a) required by law;

(b) the Company suspects that your use of the Website is in breach of the Website Access Conditions applying to any section of the Website;

(c) it is to protect the rights and property of the Company or a related entity of the Company; or

(d) it is to lessen a serious threat to a person’s health or safety.

4.) Linked Websites

The Website may contain links to third party websites. You should be aware that the information handling practices of the linked websites may not be the same as the practices of the Company.

5.) Security

5.1 The Company takes all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from misuse, loss, modification, unauthorised access and disclosure.

5.2 The Company uses both physical and electronic security measures to protect the Company’s premises and computer network. However, any information that you send to the Company over the internet or by email is at your own risk.

6.) Access to Your Personal Information

6.1  In most cases, you can gain access to personal information that the Company holds about you unless the Company is required to refuse access under any law.

6.2 The Company will handle requests for access to your personal information in accordance with applicable laws. All requests for access to your personal information must be made to the Privacy Officer.

6.3  The Company will deal with all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible. Requests for a large amount of information, or information which is not currently in use, may require further time before a response can be given. The Company may recover from you any reasonable costs associated with providing you with access. In some cases, consistent with the National Privacy Principles, the Company may refuse to give you access to personal information we hold about you. If the Company refuses to give you access, reasons will be provided for such refusal.

6.4  Generally, if you request, the Company will amend any personal information held by the Company about you which is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. If the Company disagrees with you about the accuracy, completeness or currency of a record of your personal information held by the Company, the Company will take reasonable steps to associate with that record a statement to the effect that you claim this to be the case, if you request us to do so.

7.) Changes to the Privacy Policy

From time to time, it may be necessary for the Company to review and revise the privacy policy. The Company reserves the right to change the privacy policy at any time. The Company may notify you about changes to this privacy policy by posting an updated version on the Website.

8.) Applicability of the Company’s Privacy Policy

The above Privacy Policy sets out the Company’s policies relating to the collection and use of your personal information. It applies to your conduct on the Website and is in addition to and should be read in conjunction with the separate Website Access Conditions.

9.) Contact the Company About Privacy

If you have any questions or would like further information about the Company’s privacy and information handling practices, please contact us at:-

 The Director

Total Hearing & Health

11/123 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland Qld 4163

(b)        or email:-

Terms and Conditions

Whitefig Pty Ltd ATF Whitefig Trust TA Total Hearing & Health
ABN 13232334516
Website Access Conditions

1.) Definitions

In these Conditions the following terms have the following meanings:-

“Content” means all of the content featured or displayed on the Website, including but not limited to text, graphics, photographs, images, moving images, sound, illustrations and software.

“Formal Instrument” means a formal instrument, if any, signed by you whether or not it is signed by the Company.

“Services” means information, if any, provided by the Company to you in the course of your use of the System.

“System” means the Website and/or the Content.

“Company” means Whitefig  Pty Ltd ABN 1312334516.

“Website” means the whole or any part of the website pages located at (including the layout of the Website, graphic design elements of the website pages, underlying code elements of the website pages, underlying code elements and any text, graphics, sound, animated elements or other Content of the Website.)

“you” means the Customer specified in any Formal Instrument, all persons who sign a Formal Instrument, all persons who access or use the System and, to the extent that the parties are related, the parties jointly.

2.) Commencement and Application

2.1 This Agreement commences when you sign a Formal Instrument to which these Conditions are attached or the Company issues you with a username and a password, whichever first occurs.

2.2 If you have not signed a Formal Instrument, by accessing or using the System you agree to be bound by these Conditions.

2.3 If you do not agree with one or more of these Conditions, do not access or use the System.

3.) Amendment

3.1 The Company reserves the right to amend these Conditions, and any additional conditions, or change or discontinue any feature of the System, from time to time at its sole discretion.

3.2 You agree to be bound by these Conditions and any other Website Conditions as amended from time to time, whether or not you become aware of them.

3.3 The most current version of the Website Access Conditions will be posted on the Website. You agree to review the Conditions regularly.

4.) Termination

4.1 The Company can terminate this Agreement and the operation of and/or access to the System or any part of the System at any time at its sole and absolute discretion, without notice or liability to you or any other person.

4.2 You can terminate this Agreement by advising the Company by email. The notice of termination must include your username and password. Termination will take effect when the Company acknowledges having received such notice.

4.3 In the event of termination, the Conditions shall continue to apply and be binding on you with respect to your prior use of the System and with respect to any subsequent use of the System.

5.) Electronic Communications

5.1 The Company may communicate with you by email at the email address provided by you or by posting notices on the Website.

5.2 You consent to receiving electronically all agreements, notices, disclosures and other communications that the Company provides to you in the manner set out in clause 5.1 above.

6.) Permitted Use

6.1 You agree that you are only authorised to access and use the System solely for your own benefit and not for the benefit of any other person or entity.

6.2 You agree not to use the System to provide or facilitate direct online access to any other person or entity.

7.) Restriction/Prohibition on Use

7.1 You agree not to:-

(a) access any part of the Company’s computer network which you are not authorised to access in the normal course of using the System (for example “hacking”);

(b) circumvent, bypass or disable security access controls on the Company’s computer network;

(c) do any act intended to “crash” or unnecessarily retard the Company’s computer systems or networks;

(d) read, copy, alter or delete another authorised user’s files;

(e) disrupt or interfere with any other user’s enjoyment of the System;

(f) execute any form of network monitoring which will intercept or receive data not intended for you (for example “sniffing”);

(g) modify or reconfigure the software or hardware of the Company’s computer systems or network;

(h) upload, post or otherwise transmit any computer virus, “Trojan horse” or other malicious code through the System;

(i) disrupt or interfere with the security of or otherwise cause harm to the System.

7.2 You agree not to:

(a) attempt to;

(b) assist someone else to; or

(c) assist someone else to attempt to, do any of the things set out in clause 7.1 above.

7.3 You release and indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, employees and agents from any loss or liability that may arise from your breach of this Agreement.

8.) Username and Password Security

8.1 You acknowledge that you are totally responsible for the use of your username and password and for maintaining their security and that you will be responsible for any use whatsoever of the username and password whether authorised or not. You release and indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, employees and agents from any loss or liability that may arise out of the use of your username and password.

8.2 You agree not to reveal your username or password to any other person other than an employee authorised by you to use your username and password (“authorised employee”).

8.3 You agree to change your password:-

(a) if you no longer wish a previously authorised employee to have access to the System;

(b) whenever an authorised employee is no longer employed by you;

(c) whenever the Company requests you to do so.

9.) Transmission Speed

The Company has no control over the speed of transmission of data where the internet is used for access.

10.) Disclaimer

10.1 The System and/or the Services may contain inaccuracies and typographical errors. You acknowledge that the Company does not make any representations, warranties or conditions, express, implied or statutory as to the operation of the System and/or the Services or the accuracy, completeness, quality, currency or timeliness of the Services.

10.2 You acknowledge that your access to the System may be interrupted, may not be secure and/or may be intercepted or that the System may not be free from viruses, malicious computer code or other harmful components. You release and indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, employees and agents from any loss or liability that may arise from your use of the System.

10.3 Use of the System is at your own risk.  You assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from your downloading, use of, or access to data, files, information, content or other material on or through the System. You release and indemnify the Company and its directors, officers, employees and agents from any loss or liability that may arise from your use of the System.

11.) Limitation of Liability

11.1 To the extent permitted by law, under no circumstances will the Company or its directors, officers, employees or agents be liable, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or any other legal theory whatsoever, for damages of any kind including, but not limited to, direct, special, indirect, punitive, incidental or consequential damages, business losses, lost savings, lost data, loss of use, lost profits, personal injury, fines, fees, penalties or other liabilities arising from or relating to your use, reliance upon or inability to use the System, whether or not the Company is advised of the possibility of such damages and/or if you transfer confidential or sensitive information to the Company or if the Company communicates such information to you at your request over the internet.

11.2 To the extent that any liability cannot lawfully be excluded, such liability will be limited to refunding the cost of the services (if any) or resupplying the services (if any) at the Company’s election.

12.) Intellectual Property

The Content displayed or provided on the System belongs to the Company (or content providers to the Company) and is protected by copyright, trademark and/or other intellectual property laws. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any property rights through your use of the System.


13.1 Please read the Company’s online Privacy Policy. The Policy sets out how the Company will collect and use any personal information the Company obtains about you through your use of the System.

13.2 You consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy. You acknowledge having read the Privacy Policy.

14.) Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Queensland, Australia and the parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Queensland Courts in Brisbane District.

15.) Severance and Variation

If any provision of this Agreement is, for any reason, considered or found by a Court of competent jurisdiction or any competent Government authority to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable,

(a) that provision is to be severed from the remainder of the provisions of the Agreement. The remainder of the provisions of the Agreement will remain in full force and effect unless the basic purposes of the Agreement are defeated; or

(b) The Company may serve on you a notice varying that provision and you agree to be bound by that provision as varied as though it was always part of this Agreement.

16.) Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the full and complete understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement, except to the extent that matters relating to your use of the System or your dealings with the Company are dealt with in any other agreement between the parties. There is no other oral understanding, agreement, warranty or representation whether express, implied or collateral in any way extending, defining or otherwise relating to its provisions or binding on the parties. You acknowledge that you have not been induced to enter this Agreement based on any representation other than as expressly recorded in this Agreement.

  1. Interpretation

In the interpretation of these Conditions unless the context otherwise requires:-

(a) Words denoting any gender include all other genders.

(b) Words denoting persons include all bodies, associations, trusts, partnerships, instrumentalities, and entities corporate or unincorporate, and vice versa.

(c) References to any of the parties include in the case of a person, their personal representatives and permitted assigns, and in other cases their successors and permitted assigns.

(d) Any obligation on the part of two or more persons is deemed to bind or benefit, as the case may be, any two or more of them jointly and each of them severally.

(e) Words expressing the singular include the plural and vice versa.

(f) Headings are included for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Agreement.

(g) References to the Agreement are to the Agreement as amended supplemented or varied from time to time.

(h) References to any document or Agreement includes all references to such document or Agreement as amended, novated, supplemented, varied or replaced from time to time.

(i) References to “$” and “dollars” are to Australian dollars.

(j) References to writing include typing, telex, facsimile and all other means of reproducing words in a permanent and visible form.

(k) References to any legislation includes any legislative provision which amends, extends, consolidates or replaces it and any orders, regulations, instruments, proclamations or other subordinate legislation made under it.

(l) References to institutes, associations, bodies and authorities whether statutory or otherwise will, if it ceases to exist or is reconstituted, renamed or replaced or its powers or functions are transferred, refer to the institute, association, body or authority established or constituted in its place or which substantially succeeds to its powers or functions.

(m) No rule of construction will apply to the disadvantage of a party because that party was responsible for the drafting of this Agreement or any part of it.


You could be  eligible for the voucher component of the Hearing Services Program if you are an Australian citizen or permanent resident 21 years or older and you meet certain eligibility requirements.  This would enable you to free hearing aids and services.

Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions 

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