Children’s Hearing
At this time of the year, we look at our children’s needs for return to school. Checking new shoes, new uniforms, all the books and new bags, lunch boxes etc. Have you thought of having a quick check of your child’s hearing? Do they have difficulty understanding what people are saying. Do they speak differently...
Untreated Hearing Loss can affect other diseases
Many Australians experience some form of hearing loss, yet many choose to ignore it. Hearing loss could be a symptom of a deeper health issue or could put you at risk for other health problems. These are some health conditions linked to hearing loss: People who experience hearing loss are 5x more likely to be...
Hearing protection around the home.
People don’t often realise how few decibels it can take to affect your hearing permanently. In fact even something as innocent as a hair dryer could cause hearing loss if you are exposed to the sound up close. Knowing this, it starts to put hearing loss into perspective really and makes you realise just how...
Tinnitus Is a Common Problem
Tinnitus is when you experience ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears. The noise you hear when you have tinnitus isn’t caused by an external sound, and other people usually can’t hear it. Tinnitus is a common problem. It affects about 15% to 20% of people, and is especially common in...
Stick to the facts
While hearing loss is an emotional subject, bringing up factual points can help avoid those emotional minefields. Bring up some of the specific symptoms you’ve noticed. Highlight some facts about how common hearing loss is, and how easy it could be to address. Be sure to position all this as an observation, rather than an...
Excess Ocean Noise Effects Marine Life
According to a recent study published in Science, excess ocean noise from shipping, construction, sonar and seismic surveys may be harming the hearing of marine life, in the same way that excess noise can be harmful to human hearing. Noise from shipping, construction, sonar and seismic surveys is “drowning out” the healthy ocean soundscape, scientists...
Music and our Brain
Music impacts brain function and human behaviour, including reducing stress, pain and symptoms of depression as well as improving cognitive and motor skills, spatial-temporal learning and neurogenesis, which is the brain’s ability to produce neurons. Music has a positive effect on people with Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Listening to the music people grew up with, results...
Hearing Aids Are Ever Developing
Hearing Aids are ever developing and now present some amazing technology. The latest models offer styles and features that are tailored for this time. Versatile hearing aids deliver sound quality that can make it easier to hear people who are wearing face masks or social distancing. And now with the popularity of rechargeable hearing aids,...
Masks are making it harder to Understand Speech for the Hearing Impaired
During the pandemic, we are told to wear face masks when we are in public and unable to social distance. It is for our protection as well as the safety of others. It is important to do it, but it makes communication very difficult for people with hearing loss for several reasons. Mask is blocking...
Hearing Loss Disability
Hearing loss has been recently ranked as the fifth leading cause of years lived with disability, ahead of many other chronic diseases such as diabetes, dementia, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Moreover, according to the World Health Organization, moderate-to-profound hearing loss affects about 466 million people worldwide. Its incidence varies in each population segment, affecting...