Embrace Clarity: Discover Invisible Hearing Aids at Total Hearing
In today’s fast-paced world, technology continues to break barriers, transforming the way we perceive and manage healthcare. Among these innovations, Invisible hearing aids have revolutionised the way we approach hearing loss, offering discreet yet powerful solutions for those in need. At Total Hearing, we’re proud to offer these discreet and high-performance solutions, empowering our patients...
Unraveling the Mystery of Ear Wax
Ear wax, scientifically known as cerumen, is not just a pesky substance that needs to be removed. It is a natural and necessary component of ear health. While it may be a source of frustration or discomfort for some, it is crucial to understand its functions and appropriate ways to manage it. It holds three...
Are you hearing a ringing or buzzing in your ears?
“Tinnitus is a symptom of other underlying conditions, not a disease or illness” (Tinnitus Australia, 2021). Tinnitus is very common. In fact, approximately one in three Australians experience tinnitus, and one in six suffer from constant tinnitus daily. Tinnitus is described as hearing a sound in the ears or head, such as a ringing, buzzing,...
Empowering Adults: The Lifelong Benefits of Early Hearing Loss Intervention
Addressing hearing loss promptly can preserve quality of life, improve communication, protect mental and emotional well-being, enhance professional success, and ensure personal safety. Untreated hearing loss can lead to isolation, communication difficulties, and a decreased ability to participate in social activities. Notably, there is a significant and growing body of evidence suggesting a strong association...
The Silent Threat: Noise-Induced Hearing Loss among Tradies
“Noise is like sunlight or radiation: a little is OK but a lot is significantly damaging” (Garvan Institute, 2021). Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) is a significant occupational health concern among Tradies due to the high levels of noise present on workplace sites. Located in the inner ear, our delicate hair cells are designed to handle...
The Connection Between Diabetes and Hearing Loss
Diabetes and hearing loss are strongly connected. In fact, in Australia, individuals with diabetes are twice as likely to have a hearing impairment compared with those without the condition, especially among younger persons (Diabetes Australia, 2021). Although the exact mechanisms that contribute to this association are not fully understood, several studies suggest that overtime, high...
Hearing impairment and relationships.
“It’s not all about you” as they say, which applies to many aspects of life but is particularly true if your hearing isn’t what it used to be. Research makes it pretty clear that untreated hearing loss can be a major source of stress. There are many studies that show that hearing loss produces feelings...
Hearing aid myths and facts
There are many facts, myths and theories on hearing aids and hearing loss. Let’s bust some! Myth: Hearing aids will restore my hearing to normal Fact: Well fitted hearing aids will improve your hearing and communication needs but they DO NOT restore your hearing to normal. Majority of the time, once your hearing has been...
Fun Facts About Hearing
11 fun facts about hearing! Ears grant a truly unique way of experiencing the world around us. It can affect multiple areas of our lives for example how we learn & communicate. Here are some quirky fun facts about hearing. Newborn babies middle ear is full of fluid and can impair their hearing...
Why you shouldn’t attempt to fix your own hearing aid
If you are having problems with your hearing aids, it is important to get them working again as soon as you can. They might sound too quiet or not making any noise at all. Intermittent, distorted or poor quality sound are also indicators something is not right. However repairing your own hearing aid isn’t a...